From Zach’s Dad:
“Since Zach first started riding he’s had an obsession with Hard Enduro, watching the likes of Jarvis, Gomez & Walker completing Romaniacs and Erzberg has been a religion for him. But back in 2017 Zach heard of a few West Aussies making the 3,000+km trip across the Nullarbor to race the Hattah Desert race in Victoria. It was at that point that he started planting the seeds with us that he wanted to give it a crack. we made the decision in late 2017 that in the following year we would send the bike over with friends and fly in to complete the race, with an unfortunate turn of events Zach managed to fracture his wrist twice in the 2018 season counting him out for the trip, needless to say he was devastated. Missing out and hearing the stories from his mates made him more hungry to get over there in 2019.
Once we had broken into the new year a new more mature Zach appeared, with his first big commitment to racing coming as a new years resolution, “in 2019 I’m completely cutting out sugar” was the comment, and he has stuck to it to this day. We signed Zach up to a couple of coaching clinics with current Top 10 Aus MX nationals rider Jayden Rykers, whom Zach seemed to really click with and soaked up his techniques and knowledge quickly. Even after the clinics Zach contacted Jayden for some off the bike training tips and the next step manifested.
After school runs, a weights program, and scheduled riding practice both on track (with local ex pro Kyle Hammond) and long sandy loops in preparation for what Hattah might throw at him.
After an extremely favorable start to the 2019 season Zach is feeling confident about his Hattah campaign.
On the 29th June we load up the van and make the 3,080km trip to complete the 2019 Hattah Desert Race for the first time.
One more off the bucket list!!”